Mrs. Helena Cho

"God has truly shown His love to me over my lifetime. He has always been there for me through the hard and joyful times, and I wish to be the same to others.

Pacific Christian Academy is not just a school, but it is a FAMILY. We all care for each other, learn from each other, and laugh and cry with each other. I am so glad I this will be my eleventh year of fun and learning at PCA!

I earned my BA in Biology from Barnard College, NY, NY. My M.Ed in Counseling Psychology was earned at the Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.

My family is very important to me.  I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful daughters that you may see around.

I am very excited for our new year at PCA!"

Welcome to our Bible class. We will study the book of Acts in the first semester then study the book "Doing Hard Things". Within this class we will not only gain knowledge about God but also delve into His purpose for us.

Please be advised that information is subject to change.  Feel free to email me at anytime.

[email protected]

Our Earth is beautifully created by God.  We see the rising sun and how it warms us.  We swim in the open waters.  We live in the glory and mercy of God each day.  As we journey together within this year, we will better understand this physical world that we call "home".

Earth science and life science alternate each year.

Please be advised that information is subject to change.  And feel free to email me at anytime!

[email protected]

Welcome to Physical Science.  In our class we will study the physical and chemical components of our world.  We will apply our knowledge to responsibly understand and bring glory to God.

Please be advised that information is subject to change.  And feel free to email me at anytime!

[email protected]


In biology, we study the world that God has created.  We study life and all that it is related to because it is a calling from God to love each other and care for our world.  We recognize His glory in creation and honor our image we bear as children of God and stewards of His creations.

Biology and chemistry alternate each year.

Please be advised that information is subject to change.  And feel free to email me at anytime!

[email protected]

Welcome to the study of matter and how it responds to our world.  As we study we will better understand and gain wisdom to navigate and care for our world responsibly and righteously.  God gave us dominion over this Earth and with chemistry we can be even better stewards than we are right now.

Please be advised that information is subject to change.  And feel free to email me at anytime!

[email protected]

Photo Albums

Secondary Science and 8th grade Bible